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Kopleksowe zaopatrzenie jednostek pływających

Dane kontaktowe

  • Adres: 81-334 Gdynia, Polska 43
  • Telefon: +48 58 661 71 25
  • Fax: +48 58 621 03 43


Neptun Ship Service was founded in 1994 and since then we have become the most successful ship supplier in Poland, offering wide range of products and services to our customers. We supply merchant vessels as well as cabin cruisers with the best quality goods in all Polish ports. Our core supplies consist of: - provisions and bonded stores, - technical supplies, - deck, hotel and kitchen equipment, - other particular requirements.

Year 2000 marks a new chapter in our company's history. It was when Neptun Ship Service joined Kloska Group, a powerful German holding incorporating a number of maritime business companies from the world over.

A very important project in order to satisfy all our esteemed customers and assure the highest standard of services, according to our company mission statement and development strategy, was the Certificate of Approval ISO 9001 : 2000, which we received from Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance in the year 2000.

In 2003 our company was given NATO Commercial and Government Entity Code NCAGE: 0287H For many years, we have supplied the majority of Navy Ships, which enter Port of Gdynia, during the BALTOPS sea operations.

Our Head Office is in Gdynia, and our branch offices are in Gdańsk and Szczecin, where all together 32 people and 11 trucks are working 24/7 when necessary.

Up to your needs. First time, every time.


Zaopatrzenie jednostek pływających w prowiant, artykuły techniczne i hotelowe, części zamienne oraz import wyposażenia technicznego na statki budowane i remontowane w polskich stoczniach

Kontakt do działów firmy

Head Office Gdynia

43 Polska str., 81-334 Gdynia
phone (+48 58) 621 51 75 (+48 58) 621 51 75 , 661 71 25; phone/fax (+48 58) 621 03 43
e-mail:[email protected]
24 h service +48 501 155 001 +48 501 155 001

Mr Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski - President
Mrs Maria Konkel - Prokurent

Sales Team
Mr Ryszard Lip - Comercial Manager Mobile +48 501 155 003
Clerk : Mobile +48 510 118 398 +48 510 118 398
Clerk : Mobile +48 501 145 444 +48 501 145 444

Branch Office in Gdańsk

10 Przemysłowa str. 80-542 Gdańsk
phone (+48 58) 343 97 12 (+48 58) 343 97 12 , 343 97 13
phone/fax (+48 58) 343 97 14
e-mail:[email protected]
24 h service : +48 501 155 001 +48 501 155 001

Mr Paweł Berenc- Duty Free Manager
Clerk: Mobile +48 501 155 002 +48 501 155 002
Clerk: Mobile +48 504 048 639 +48 504 048 639

Branch Office in Szczecin

8, Hangarowa street , 70-767 Szczecin
phone (+48 91) 431 56 36 (+48 91) 431 56 36
phone/fax (+48 91) 4625208
e-mail:[email protected]
24 h service: +48 502 663 398 +48 502 663 398

Mrs Justyna Klusek - Manager: Mobile +502 663 398
Clerk: Mobile +48 502 153 631 +48 502 153 631

Opis dodatkowy

shipchandler, ship supplier, ship services, statki zaopatrzenie, statki servis, technical and provisions, shipchandlers, zaopatrzenie statków,

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